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Noun is a part of speech in English. We use nouns in our day to day language. It’s quite difficult to say something without using a noun. If you didn’t realize you just read some nouns!

Nouns can be of different types fulfilling various purposes. But generally they are categorized into 8 types.

  • Proper nouns
  • Common Nouns
  • Abstract nouns
  • Countable nouns
  • Uncountable nouns
  • Concrete nouns
  • Collective nouns
  • Compound nouns

Now let’s discuss them one by one.


Proper Nouns: These refer to a name of a person, place and thing. Always remember, to begin it with a capital letter!

Examples- Mahima (name of a girl), Switzerland (name of a place), The Statute of Liberty (thing)


Common Nouns: These nouns refer to general things in nature whereas proper nouns refer to specific things. Mostly nouns are common. A thing, place or a person that doesn’t have a name is called a common noun.

Examples: state (Haryana, Maharashtra, etc.), dog (no specific name of dog), books (no such specific book)


Abstract Nouns: These refer to the intangibles. It can be feeling, emotions, personality traits, etc. These things people can’t hear, touch, or see.

Examples- anger, time, humor


Concrete Nouns: These are opposite of abstract nouns. It refers to the nouns that can exist physically, can be seen, touched or felt.

Examples- table, sugar, bedsheet, book

Countable Nouns: These refer to the nouns that can be counted. These generally use the articles a, an, the.

Examples- a dog, 5 books, an apple, The Eiffel tower


Uncountable Nouns: These nouns are opposite of countable nouns. One such example is an abstract noun. We can’t count our feelings. So the nouns that can’t be counted are known as uncountable nouns.

Examples- music, water, air, sunlight


Collective Nouns: These refer to the group of people, animals, things, etc. 

Examples- team, herd, Indians


Compound Nouns: These refer to the combination of two or more nouns. They behave as a single unit.

Examples- playgroups, snow-garden, waterpark, daredevil
