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Articles are the shortest and the most commonly used adjectives. We use them to modify nouns. There are mainly two kinds of articles:

  • Definite- THE
  • Indefinite- A, AN

Indefinite Article: They are used to introduce a countable  & singular noun for the first time.

The article ‘an’ is used before a vowel sound.

..For Example: an elephant, an angel, an hour


The article "a" is used before a consonant sound

..For Example: a user, a mobile, a teacher.


It was a unique day.

(Unique has the consonant sound- use a)


The trip was an unforgettable experience.

(Unforgettable has the vowel sound- use an)


Indefinite Articles are not used with uncountable nouns.

..For example: I have a water.                ( Χ )

......I have a bottle of water.  ( ✓ )


Here are some more examples of indefinite articles:

You need to take a break.

She is an efficient employee.

It was a deliberate mistake.


Let’s look at some common errors:

The initial letter vs sound

.My friend is a honest man.     ( Χ )

.My friend is an honest man.   ( ✓ )


(Honest begins with a consonant ‘H’, however it has a vowel sound- use an)


The indefinite article changes according to the adjective used.


I have a pen. (Pen starts with a consonant sound)

I have an orange pen. (Orange starts with a vowel sound)


The easiest way to identify & eliminate ‘article’ related errors is to check if the following noun is countable. If it is countable, we simply pronounce & see if the first sound is a vowel or consonant sound, which helps us choose the correct article. (read more on sounds and pronunciation - link)

